Water, water everywhere... thanks to Swart & Sons
We have undertaken many types of repairs for SA Water in the metropolitan area and rural locations, directly for SA Water and indirectly via Fulton Hogan, Leed and Guidera O’Connor.
The work is done in accordance with SA Water pre-determined specifications, or in conjunction with engineers, but always to determine the best outcome for SA Water.
We perform ongoing work at the Bolivar Desalination Plant involving varying tasks, with full containment on some jobs, requiring negative air dust extraction systems to prevent injury to workers, other personnel and the environment.
In addition, scaffolding and rescue equipment is frequently used to ensure the highest levels of safety are maintained.
water and infrastructure services
- Concrete repairs
- Abrasive blasting
- Painting
- Render repair
- Waterproofing
- Grouting
- Epoxy coatings
water and infrastructure clients
- SA Water (concrete repair, painting, abrasive blasting)
- Leeds (concrete repair, painting, abrasive blasting)
- Fulton Hogan (concrete repair, painting, abrasive blasting)
- Guidera O’Connor (concrete repair, painting, abrasive blasting)
- Bolivar Desalination Plant (concrete repair, epoxy coatings, waterproofing)

Water & infrastructure case studies

Three bridges, Adelaide Hills
In April 2018 Swart & Sons were contracted by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) to carry out cleaning and protective treatment to structural steel components of three bridges in the Adelaide Hills. One of the bridges contained lead paint so strict WHS and environmental conditions needed to be adhered to, ensuring no lead residue affected Swart workers, members of the public or the environment.

Adelaide Desal Plant
In July 2018 Swart & Sons were contracted by Adelaide Aqua Pty Ltd to carry out repair works on a concrete overflow tank. Works consisted of concrete repairs, abrasive blasting and application of protective coatings to the walls and floors of the tank. Due to the nature of the tank, work was considered to be ‘high risk construction work’, which incorporated working in confined spaces, risk of a person falling more than two metres plus working in an area with movement of powered mobile plant.