Isolatek low density SFRM

Isolatek Type 300
Isolatek Type 300 is gypsum-based, fire protection spray that has been extensively tested for fire resistance and is rated for up to four hours for floor assemblies, beams, joists, columns, and roof assemblies.

Isolatek Type 300 AC
Isolatek Type 300 AC is specifically formulated to achieve maximum productivity, creating on-site efficiencies unmatched by any other commercial density wet mix SFRM.

Isolatek Type 300 ES
Isolatek Type 300 ES is a commercial density, wet mix SFRM that is virtually identical to Isolatek Type 300, but is specifically designed to provide delayed set times in order to allow slurry to remain in the hose for up to 72 hours.

Isolatek Type 300 HS
Isolatek Type 300 HS is a gypsum-based, wet mix Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Material specifically designed to provide high bond strength along with exceptional cost-effective thermal performance.

Isolatek Type 300 SB
Isolatek Type 300 SB is a commercial density, wet mix SFRM that is virtually identical to Isolatek Type 300, but is specifically designed to provide fire protection in retrofit commercial construction projects.

Isolatek Type 3000
Isolatek Type 3000 is an ultra-high-strength, gypsum-based wet mix SFRM designed to meet the current IBC minimum bond strength of 1,000psf for buildings over 128 metres in height.

Isolatek Type 3000 ES
A commercial density, wet mix SFRM that is virtually identical to Isolatek Type 3000, but designed to provide delayed set times in order to allow slurry to remain in the hose for up to 72 hours.

Isolatek Type 304
Isolatek Type 304 is a commercial density, wet mix SFRM specifically designed to provide four hour fire resistance ratings on floor assemblies and supporting structural members.

Isolatek Type II
Isolatek Type II is an inorganic, cement-based material for spraying on structural steel and concrete.

Isolatek Type II HS
Isolatek Type II HS is a cement-based, dry mix Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Material specifically designed to provide high bond strength along with exceptional cost-effective thermal performance.