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MCU-Ecodegreaser is a ready-to-use preparation of surfactants with dispersant and degreasing properties that removes oil, grease and petroleum contamination from all types of surfaces: metal, concrete, brick, paving, natural stone, asphalt, metal, glass, floor linings, plastics, woods, textile fabrics and more. 

MCU-Ecodegreaser reduces oil and grease in a simple,  safe way by lowering the viscosity of grease,  thereby penetrating deep within porous surfaces. 

  • A pH-neutral dispersant for the removal of stubborn oil, grease and petroleum by reducing the viscosity of grease and oils
  • Able to penetrate porous surfaces to achieve better results
  • Suitable for most substrates, including : metal, concrete, paving brick, natural stone, asphalt, metal, glass, floor lining, plastics, woods, etc. and also textile fabrics
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Safety data sheet

MCU-Ecodegreaser safety data sheet - New Zealand

Safety data sheet

MCU-Ecodegreaser safety data sheet - Australia

Technical data sheet

MCU-Ecodegreaser technical data sheet

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