Trafalgar FyreCOLLAR Cast-in High Top

Trafalgar’s Australian-made FyreCOLLAR Cast-in High Top range of fire collars provides a full range of solutions for use in both stack pipe and floor waste applications, with up to four hours across a huge range of common pipes types and sizes. Specifically for stack and plumbing pipes, locally made, injection moulded and designed to be cast directly into concrete floor slabs for the provision of plastic pipe penetrations without the need to pre-install sections of pipework, decreasing the amount of time spent on site.
These collars are designed for use in concrete floor slabs up to 250mm thick, where the head of the high cast-in fire collar extends above the surface of the floor so that sections of pipe are not needed as part of the installation process. Once the concrete is set, simply run your plastic or metal pipes through the collars which are fitted with a rubber gasket to prevent smoke leakage through the penetration.
The high cast-in fire collars are available in three sizes each suitable for a range of pipe sizes:
- 40mm – 65mm for 40mm, 50mm and 65mm pipes
- 80mm – 100mm for 80mm and 100mm pipes
- 150mm for 150mm pipes
Key Features
- Polypropylene body material gives high moisture resistance and flexural strength
- The high-grade intumescent formulation for fire performance
- Suitable for slabs up to 250mm
- High profile design saves time on site
- Rubber seal to stop water/debris
- Plastic cap included for protection during installation
- Flexible rubber membrane absorbs pipe movement and vibration
- Now approved for copper and steel pipes up to 100mm diameter with TWRAP™ and UniGUARD installed on the top side of the slab to protect against heat
transfer through the metal pipe. - The FyreCOLLAR Cast-In High range is also fire tested for one or two pair coil bundles with FR insulation and associated cables. This covers -/240/90 wrap free, refer to the approvals in the technical manual for further details.
For more about fire collars read this article